This torrid autobiography set the gold standard for Hollywood "tell-all" memoirs in the late 1970s, and opened the floodgates for baser forms of biography. On publication, Mommie Dearest was judged as a scandalous demolition job by a daughter (albeit adopted); one who was intent on fracturing the public image of her mother, the legendary star Joan Crawford.
With considerable relish, Christina demolishes Joan as "Mommie" - and human being to boot. A frightening portrait emerges of Crawford as abusive, sadistic, all-round head case.
The book became a movie (in 1981) with Faye Dunaway as Joan, and was an instant cult hit. Ironically, the film stopped Dunaway's career in its tracks, the over-the-top performance being deemed to have forever damaged her credibility.
VIDEO: Joan Crawford with Christina: rare archive footage
VIDEO: Faye Dunaway as Mommie Dearest...